December 2017

The Mill looked beautiful with the early December snow, enough to give the bees an insulated roof, but unfortunately too much weight for the poly-tunnel roof!

collapsed polytunnel

Winter solstice was cloudy, so the dawn chorus was delayed to nearly 8:00am. The Robin was the first voice, as is often the case in winter, followed by the Rooks adding their raucous calling  and cawing! There are interesting changes in the robin’s winter behaviour recently, already paired up, less fighting over territory. A sign of warmer winters, more fodder, or just a better rate of survival?

The Seasonal Decorations workshop was very enjoyable, with lots of experimentation and innovation!

On the 28th December Forest Harvest helped with the Dovehouse Community Gardens workshop, designed to clear the site, in preparation for the new project. It was good fun for all that came along,  lots of mince pies and leftovers but also exceptional apple wine from Jay to keep the cold out.
Anything useful was put on one side and a good fire was made to for the unsalvagable remains.

Some visual highlights in the woods this month, apart from the snow, were the Guelder Rose (Viburnum Opulus) berries,

the sunset, across the new clearing,

 and the low sun on the pond!

Anyone wishing to use Woodmill for a Photography shoot, is is welcome to get in touch. Even with inexpensive phone lenses, the results can be amazing.

The start of a new project for 2018, watch this space!

Happy New Year !