October 2017

Hornets were about this autumn in abundance but not so many wasps.

Earlier in the year there was plenty of wasp activity; collecting wood-pulp for nests, so where they went is anyones guess.

The hornets didn’t go for the hives either but were busy looking for winter shelter in our polytunnel.

Although not  known to be in Staffordshire yet, watch out for the Asian Hornet. They are generally browner with one stripe and do not fly at dusk or after.
If you see one try to take a photo of it and contact your local bee keeper.

The bees slowed down their activities with the fall in temperature and were put to bed. To restrict access a black plastic size reducer was used for the doors. This reduces the chances of mice or large insects from hibernating in the hive damaging the comb and eating the winter stores. The Lichfield bees didn’t like the black plastic door and kept eating the wood so it was removed. Are the the town bees fatter and overfed compared to their rural counterparts at the Mill!!

The weather was weirdly warm so our bees continued to enjoy nectar and pollen from the ivy flowers.

On the 16th October, stranger still, was a pink sun and sky all day, caused by Saharan dust.  The rooks were preparing to roost in the gloom one minute, only to fly off to feed the next.

On the 28th October we held our Pumkin carving day, which proved to be a productive and fun-filled day, an Autumnal celebration of the very best kind with fabulous Pumpkin Soup, roasted pumpkin seeds, chestnuts and Nick’s fantastic Elderberry wine.

In October, Forest Harvest continued to help set up the Community Garden at Dovehouse with a leaflet drop to neighbouring housing. Householders were invited to an Open Afternoon to see the site and give ideas.
Around 30 visitors arrived with a few signing up for some growing spaces and others making some useful suggestions. It was decided that there was enough interest to set up a committee in November to take the project forward.

October is also a good time to plan for next year, lots of projects in the pipeline.
Contact us at info@forestharvest.co.uk to find out more.